Category: The Details

In which the smallest particles bring meaning to the universe.

How To Write Around It

Yesterday in class, my student Mike had clearly lost faith. I didn’t know why. But I could see that he was lost. I had asked the entire class to write for a page in response to the question: “Who are you in a group?” followed by “What do you fear about working in  groups?” They…

On Home and Horizons

At least three times since I have been back to visit my parents, I have thought: “It’s nice to be home.” Then I remembered that I haven’t lived here since 20 years, half my life. Home comes when I feel my heart Drop its weight in relief At the sight of flat land running Forever…

Charisma Will Get You… Somewhere

“Lenny” walked into my classroom today with NOTHING in his hands. “Bye Lenny. Go get yours books, paper, a pen.” On a scale from 1 to 10, I adore Lenny, at like a 9.2. He is charming, funny, he pays attention. He has that “It” factor as a human being that exudes from his pores.…

Double Digits – My growing mailing list!

Growth is exciting! Today I saw my mailing list subscriber list number hit double digits! I know others have no idea, but you TOO can receive A Small State right to your email box… along with my newsletter, special deals on my Demand Poetry, and links to my guests posts. I bow in thanks again…

What Makes Me Come Alive

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” –Howard Thurman Today my two friends, Karin and Marcy, both told me I should be WORKING WITH TEENAGERS. “You know how to talk to them.” “They seem to really…

pay attention: a river of stones – Now on Sale!

I was thrilled that Fiona Robyn and Kaspalita selected one of my small stones to be published in their beautiful anthology… and here it is! pay attention: a river of stones is available is three formats: a stunning collectible hardcover (of course, I willsign your copy for you!); lusciously affordable paperback; and easy-peasy, ultra-portable, great-for-the-subway…

I, Swim

I swam the full length, freestyle, for the first time last night. I came up at the deep end to the cheers of Latoya, Paul, and Dan — my support team — at Flood Pool. On the way home, I heard Faith Middleton interviewing one of my favorite environmentalist writers, Bill McKibben. Only he wasn’t…

Let Anne Hathaway Host Alone

I’ll be the first to say that I love James Franco. His mute performances on SNL skit “What Up With That?” always tickle me. But let’s be real. He wasn’t the REAL star of the Oscar duo last night. There’s going to be all sorts of mumbling and grumbling about the Oscar hosting duo in…

Stop Everything

Betty cat sidles up Shoves her way in Lolls under my firm pressure Kneading my gut. Telling me with toenails uncut… Stop working, stop everything– Make more… Make more love.

A Poem to Those Who Love Me

Make the day pause, A top all done now the spinning: But not yet toppled. If (for just one day) I am the morning sun, Then You are the luscious hills I peek over; The refracting air dew –In winter, air’s mirror– And that single ecstatic Songbird rambling Her grocery list. And if, At noontime,…

Everyone Eats the Gummy Worm

Here’s my Zen meets Don Draper assessment of life: Everyone Eats the Gummy Worm. I’m thinking about this, because  I’m getting sort of a mish-mash of people on my Twitter Feed with no organization at all. Yes, I know there are list-y things, but I am not where I can use those to my (diss-)advantage…


Montrous Snow peaks, huddled at Road edges, yard edges Crowd the winter in. Barely room for me to slither by In my repressed Town & Country. I remember you, snow, as Individual, unique Flakes, and I feel The same lonely.


The friend is A spring in the Trampoline which– If you are willing To risk the bone crunch And the stomach lurch– Can send you flipping and flying.