Tag: anger

How to Stand the Truth

Truth quote by poet Adrienne Rich, The unconscoous wants truth. It ceases tp speak to those who want something else more than truth. Adrienne Rich

Before you can stand up for truth you have know if you can stand it at all.Let’s talk about an unscientific study I have been conducting all of my life. It has to do with truth-telling, and how much people really can’t stand the truth. By some fault or miracle of genetics and nurturing, I…

The Sound of One Voice Shouting in the Woods

 What is the sound of your own voice? — I have this innate impulse to apologize. This is not a permanent disposition by any means. I just happen to be “going through something” at the moment, and I feel exceptionally large and bulky: a bit like a Macy’s Day Parade balloon trying to navigate through…