Tag: Techno-wonder

Defining Blogger Integrity

NPR visited BlogHer 2009 in Chicago this week and raised the issue of blogger ethics that I’ve been ranting about for years now (can you believe I’ve been blogging for YEARS? How weird is that?) The question is: If a blogger is receiving a product from a company to “review,” what incentive (if you haven’t…

Stories Told

Why I Love The Moth When I was about seven or eight years old, I got fixated on the idea of creating a neighborhood newspaper. I would gather stories, write them, publish them using my parent’s typewriter, and deliver them to my neighbors’ mailboxes. So I did. I went around interviewing my family, and Mr.…

Kelly Ripa – Super Cupcake Momma!

Let’s face it… Neither you nor I can think of a single thing we don’t like about Kelly Ripa. I mean, come ON! Witty, freakin’ adorable, snazzy dresser (but not too showy!)– she is the ultimate Gracie Allen to Regis’s 958 year-old George Burns. That’s One Cupcake with a Cause! When I started seeing uber-Kelly…

Old Boyfriends Die Hard

Or… How to Not Feel Bad When an Ex Won’t Friend you On Facebook Here’s the story about a really OLD boyfriend of mine (a-long-time-ago OLD, not practically-dead OLD) that I think most of you will like. It’s kinda long, but I don’t think bullet points are appropriate, so suck it up. His name isn’t…

My Amazing Husband: The Hole in the House

Happy Thanksgiving. Colin and I are away for a few days (guard cat Betty is home and in charge!), but I wanted to make sure I said my Thanks here for Colin, who is, by all accounts, amazing. I won’t bore you with a laundry list, I’ll just provide one or two examples, in images.…

English Things I Miss, Part 1: The Toast Rack

Here’s a new, non-regular segment for you that perhaps will help me cope with the grieving process of no longer living in London: English Things I Miss, subtitle, Though Not Necessarily So Much That I Would Move Back to the God-Forsaken Land of Clouds and Complaining. First English Thing I Miss: The Toast Rack It…

The Perfect Marriage: TiVo and Netflix

My husband, maybe to mock my attachment to my typewriter, or maybe just to give me the good news, sent me this article, today. It breaks the much-awaited news (at least around our place) that two of the greatest entertainment inventions: TiVo and Netflix, are going to join forces. This is akin to the Wonder…

Futura, Facebook and My iPhone

Lately I’ve been keeping my laptop packed up in my backpack. It’s been getting Jan Brady’s worth of my attention these days. The combination of feeling overwhelmed (over-digged, over-twittered, over-booked) and of being the proud mother of conflicting pieces of beautiful technologies has caused me to rework my communication priorities. Here they are: 1. The…