The Guest Book

Guest Book, courtesy of TigTab on FlickrSo, new ideas are bubbling up around here.

I’m fanning my desire to have guest writers at Letters.

So today I am going to create a new page called “The Guest Book” which will include bios of my guest writers, as they appear.

It will also include my guest writer Wish List, with such names as Ted Kooser, Elizabeth Gilbert, Bill Bryson,  Maya Angelou, Ira Glass, Garrison Keillor, Jon Stewart,  and others, as I dream them up. I hope to slowly move these names from the wish list, to the bio list.

Also means I need to reach out to these people and, well, ask them.

Ask them nicely:

Dear Writer: Please, write a Letter — to me and to all of us — on a fine detail of life in America. Let us see, in one brief snapshot, what you see.

A sliver of American experience, unfolded in words.

Accompanying photographs warmly accepted.

Yeah. Totally scary.

So I’ll start with the people who will probably say Sure.

Like some of my friends-also-writers: Chris, Paul, Tara, Jen, HolliSally, Robyn, Jenn, D-Rev, J-Rons, and others.

So be sure to check in again soon, and regularly, for new, different, more.

More beautiful letters. Coming your way.