Anyone Seen Ben’s Thai???

Despite the fact that Ben’s Thai in the Warrington closed JANUARY 31, and Ramsay Holdings have owned all of the Warrington Hotel since October 31, 2006, many guests are still caught unawares, wandering up the stairs of the saloon bar for that reliable local Thai in Maida Vale.

If you are one of the many who hasn’t noticed that Ben’s is no longer “THIS WAY ?” in the Warrington, here’s a hint on where to look. The beloved ol’ standby is rekitting out the old Robert Browning on Clifton Road, only one street away. I hear they should be opening end of March, but call and ask them.

If you are wondering where the Robert Browning is, there are probably one of a few reasons for that:

1. You don’t like Sam Smith’s beers.
2. You don’t like being insulted for asking for a clean glass for your drinks.
3. You don’t shop at either Tesco or any outrageously overpriced organic food markets.
4. Your other local is the Chippenham, and you are too drunk/high to roll all the way down the “HILL” into the Vale.
5. Your other local is the Elgin, and, you are too stiff/paralyzed from sitting on footstools to walk all the way to Clifton Road.

Any of these reasons might have caused you to overlook the Robert Browning, one of the three most prominently located pubs in the Maida Vale (the Warrington, naturally, being number one and the Elgin dribbling in at second on that list).

So, since I work for the competition but I love my old friends from Ben’s, that is what you get in the way of info. That’s all I am going to say about it.

Enjoy, and oh… if you get lost, it’s fine to go eat at Street Hawker. Their spring rolls are delish!

Elizabeth Howard

Elizabeth writes literary non-fiction, haiku, cultural rants, and Demand Poetry in order to forward the cause of beautiful writing. She calls London, Kansas City, and Iowa home. 
