An Ode to America 2020


An Ode to America 2020

Cheers to The Oblivious and In Love with Ignorant Hope

You know that you are American
If you are alive
And not that well,
Living in the world in 2020.
Reading one after another
News article and yet
Still holding out hope
(In your nice house on
Your quiet block)
That America will
Soon really soon
Be living up to its Old Glory–
Someday, maybe even
Sometime this week.

Cheers to the wild
At heart who wear the
Red hats and drink
American beers and
Wrap themselves in
Polyester stripes and stars
Made in China. A toast
On September 10th to
The last crusaders for
Drizzle down economics
Who are out racing the
Creek fire. Drive me
Over to the Walmart
To pick up my
Insulin and my
Groceries —
The only place I can
Afford it.

Bottoms up to
The Land of the
Free, paralyzed by
The 1 percent and
Their own preexisting
Self, while being scheduled
To work a double
On Election Day.

Day 10 of 30 Day Challenge from Poet Jen Harris and Writing Workshop Kansas City