The extremely useful writing website Writer’s HQ recently called for pitches related to the theme of “Resistance” and writing.
For me, the idea of resistance and protest is highly emotional. I’ve been known to get “worked up” on a topic or two in my day! Any person who stands ready to challenge the status quo has faced down emotional turmoil in themselves. So I wrote this post, called “On Anger and How to Write Through it.
The post is a kind of rhetorical primer for “how” to write a successful argument when in a heightened emotional state (ie. mad as hell and not going to take it anymore!) In an effort to dial down the intensity that comes along with — well — being INTENSE, I chose a rather “light-hearted” topic that, if you’ve met me, you know is something I’ve ranted about in the past.
But this topic of being angry, of getting all emotional, being worked up — it’s part of the ongoing conversation right now, one that women and people of color, immigrants, and non-Christians are having.
For some of us, the mere experience of expressing outrage or anger is new. But the process is important and real.
I invite you to read my post at Writer’s HQ as a primer to anyone who wants to write succinct letters to the editors, to their elected representatives… or even impassioned Facebook posts.