Reading “Out of a Clear Sky”

I am happy to report that I received my copy of Sally Hinchcliffe’s Out of a Clear Sky in the post yesterday. It is currently out of stock on Amazon proper, but you can buy it in the U.S. through Amazon booksellers. It took about a week to arrive.

Sally’s bio in the book is typically brief and self-effacing: so here is what you can know about my friend that she doesn’t tell you.

Sally is a doggedly determined writer, very thoughtful and with a full and dry wit. She’s from the Midwest originally but has lived in London for so long, she’s gone fairly native and I think it suits her. You’ll might find her on her bicycle or waxing poetic on the Tube (The Disgruntled Commuter) , but recently she and her other half have up sticks and moved to the country (Town Mouse), where she has been brave enough to get behind the wheel of a car, even in this economy.

Sally and I met a couple years ago, over the cause of shortlisted short stories. Hers was far better than mine. (-: