Tag, You’re It

Or, Silly Games Bloggers Play to Fill Their Time

Recently, my “bluddy” (ie. my blog buddy, or, also, my bloody-pain-in-the-arse-bugging-me-with-chain-blogs-buddy) Grinder “tagged” me for some inocuous game of Blog Tag.

Being tagged in a blog is not (I hope) like being tagged by a gang member. It’s more akin to that uber-long and somewhat-but-not-quite personal “Get To Know Me Better!” email that your one friend or family member sends you every three months, asking you a series of enlightening questions such as “Favorite Ice Cream.”

The Rules of This Blog Tag, for those Who Care 

A) Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog
B) Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself
C) Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs
D) Let each person know that they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog

Blog Tag, I think, has slightly more prestige than the email survey, however, as it still means there is a slight possibility that some wayward billionaire out there will read your list of oddball facts about yourself (by way of Googling “I’m So Bored I Could Die” or “Top One Reason to Never Read the Internet”) and contact you with a enormous check.

So here’s my further contribution to overtly wasted cyberspace, blogger-style.

Seven Random and/or Weird Facts About Myself

1. Burnt popcorn is OK with me.

2. Markl Johnson still owes me a sweatshirt, since I totally won that football game for him with my awesome passes and catches.

3. I read Truck: A Love Story recently, and I can’t get it out of my mind.

4. My eighth grade teacher’s name was Sr. Floria.

5. Pickles totally gross me out, but recently I’ve acquired a taste for cooked onions.

6. There are times when I am driving and I think to myself: “Hmmm, yes. I see what you mean. What’s that you say? Hmmm, yesss… driving. I am. Driving?!? What?! Road? Uh, hello. Crap. What happened to that last 20 minutes?”

7. I miss Percy, my former cat, like crazy.

Part C: Blogs Worth Tagging

So, I am trying to decide: am I glad Grinder tagged me or not? Because now I gotta decide: do I break the chain and end this here with my wit, or pass it on? I’m not superstitious, but I’ll say one thing: I do like weird personal factoids about people. And, sadly, most folks rarely blurt them out unless poked.

So here goes, … I tag thus the following seven bloggers, selected totally at random, from links on the Blogforayear.com site (Have you voted for me yet, and everyday?)

Jenerally Speaking
Melanie in Orygun
Red Sox Bat Girl
Fiddley Gomme
Auntie Dar’s Life

Elizabeth Howard

Elizabeth writes literary non-fiction, haiku, cultural rants, and Demand Poetry in order to forward the cause of beautiful writing. She calls London, Kansas City, and Iowa home. 

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