Tag: fat

Confessions of a Fat Kid

Here’s a kickin’ “What is Eating You?” guest post by M.A. Brotherton — I have an unhealthy relationship with food. I do, it’s true. It’s a by-product of growing up in suburban United States with parents that were both fairly poor themselves in their youths. I never really had a chance to even learn what it really…

“Well, at Least She Wasn’t Fat”

Two things inspired me to write this post about fatness today: 1. Seeing myself in a too-small bathing suit the other day (it really was too small… I almost couldn’t get BACK out of it). I’m not fat, but wearing the wrong clothing will make any flawed human weep. 2. Reading Patti at “Still Breathing”‘s…

Why We Gave Up

So Colin and I were going to do The Master Cleanse. Which is a great way to lose weight, but not the reason why one should do it. It’s a cleanse, after all, designed for clearing out toxins and getting you healthy. Day one was yesterday and as mentioned in yesterday’s post “Hungryland”, I spent…