What Happens While Driving…

Highway 12, New York StateOne of Colin’s and my favorite things to do is a road trip.

We are at our most relaxed on the way to somewhere, with him driving, and me organizing whatever podcast or playlist or wrong turn is up next.

Our first road trip, en masse however, had me on edge. I had sweet-fond memories of long car trips with my own brothers and sisters when we were young, but I was a happy passenger. No planning required. I know Colin and his family drove across Canada as well (in the winter!) and arrived with some of the best family memories ever, including the image of their family cat running away across the plains.

It’s different when you are in the front seat. You have a better view, and less likely to get car sick. But on our shoulders is the job of making sure everyone is happy.

Highway 12 through the Adirondacks helped. And the snack bag. And Colin’s joy behind the wheel. And easy going kids.

7 hours down. 17 to go.