Yes We Can… Now We MUST!

Let’s enjoy today. To bask in the warmth of the light of change. Let’s enjoy the fruits of our hard work and watch CNN until our eyeballs fall out.

Let’s scan the world’s papers to see ourselves, admired through others’ eyes.

Let’s hold hands and sing, and high five, and, especially when the cameras are looking, give each other a good terrorist fist jab!

Let’s buy up the newspapers and cut out the photos, articles, and paste in them in our scrapbooks. Let’s save the “I Voted” sticker too.

Let’s whoop and holler, call our conservative family members and thank them for standing up for change, instead of the same bad policies of the last eight years.

Let’s do all these things, embedding this moment in our minds.

And then, let us remember. It is only this moment. Enjoy it.

And then, let’s get busy, again. We’ve got work to do!