To Ask for Help, or Go It Alone

Here’s my quandry and I’d love some feedback

I feel like I work better with a partner: the home business thing is not only intimidating, it is like a labyrinth of learning.

I write— that’s my main gig. But I know I can develop a business that would provide fantastic creative products that allow people to see writing in a different way.

However, so many of the nuts and bolts of establishing a business elude me.

At my core, I feel like I need a partner, but I wonder: is that an excuse to avoid learning the labyrinth? Is that an excuse to NOT do the hard work? Is that just poor self-esteem in a sheep’s clothing?

I know I CAN get a lot of work done, but what have been the hardcore results? When I start to tally them up, that is where I start to think: well, I do have some mad skills, but not the kind that Scrooge McDuck has.
Is this the Ghost of Failures past? Or should I start shopping around for the yin to my yang?

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