Being friends with other writers is always an elaborate game of Telephone: I’ve got Dixie Cups attached to email and blog strings all over the world. Here’s one whisper from Jenn, today, a new writing friend in the Small State. She sends regards from Stephen King, a fellow Stratfordian (he grew up here anyway) from…
Category: Writing
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That Rakeish, Sideways Smile (-:
Or… The Day Renée Montagne Used Valuable Airtime to Tell Me About a Computer Symbol’s Birthday Back when I was “dating” Wilbur, I swore I would never, ever wake up to morning radio. Will had his radio set to 98.9 and Johnny Dare’s morning show in Kansas City. You don’t need to actually listen to…
How I Became a Freecycler!
Or, One Crazy Old Irish Guy’s Junk is One Pikey Couple’s Reusables In case you haven’t heard of this latest craze, Freecycling is the newest thing to hit your neighborhood. It’s bound the be the cause of smothering death of packrats but it is the joy of people like Colin and I who, because of our…
Photos You Should See
Elizabeth rarely goes anywhere without a camera. As a result, her stories are often illustrated. If you get bored reading, look here. Click the photo to see more. <
Steve Martin-itis
Or… When Funny and Serious Start Leg Wrestling on the Puce Shag Rug The sucky thing about being human is that even when you are HILARIOUS you aren’t hilarious all the time. Like right now, I am a friggin’ laugh riot, but can you tell? No. Why? Because I am suffering from the appalling and much-talked-about…
A Reason to Work
I was thinking about why I should work. Or why, anyone should work. Why they would want to. I was thinking about what sort of things drives a person to work. You know. Other than hunger and bills. As wealthy and free as we are, why do we work? Offhand, I can think of these sorts…
The Mark of the Bewildered Wild
Now that I live with a mini forest in my backyard, I am seeing an odd sort of wildlife bewilderment reveal itself that I always felt nearby. In London, it was the foxes. Whilst the debate raged in the countryside and in Parliament about the cruelty of hunting foxes with dogs, the foxes themselves (clever…
Memory, Paralysis and Love
or, How I Go On Loving London After you leave, you can’t go back. It’s good that London is old. It holds memory well. It bears up its edges, the mortar and the crust to take the dusty grime of memory and let it cling. After something is smashed, it’s broken. There is glue, or…
Love me, Love my Generalization
I am not nice. It’s true. I quite often say not nice things (albeit TRUE things) for the sake of a laugh. Why? Because people are a pain. Not individually, naturally. One-on-one, I quite like everyone. It’s just all these heaving crowds of generalizations I can’t stand! Get them out of here! EAST COAST GIRLS…
Blocking the Deep Field View
Or, Why I Read Orion Magazine, Part 872 Want to have your mind blown? Get this: As of early April 2007, astronomers had found 204 planets outside our solar system. And they just keep finding more. At any given moment, assuming ultra-massive and dwarf galaxies average each other out, there might be 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars in…
Sailor’s Delight…
Remember summer? Summer for me is this: Kick the Can in the dusk around “the warehouse”… an old house abandoned house across the street with a grassy lot in front and gravelled alley out back. “Everybody OUTSIDE!” … the sound of my mother’s voice above everything, sending us to where we first were reluctant, but, after,…
Pooping Dogs, Booming Thunder and Other Traffic Hazards
It stands to reasons that a state within smelling distance from NYC, with only two major, parallel, “North-South” roads, 3.5 million residents and acre-sized residential lots, there will be some traffic. Now, I am not opposed to spending some time in my car. In fact, I adore being alone in my car, despite my green…
At Work again
Today is day two of work. Work. Work. What is that, you say? Work? Why would I do such a foolish thing like that, when I had the cushy life, sitting around, eating bon bons, sleeping in, and “writing” all day? Well, it’s a weird thing, but productivity, it seems, begets itself. At least in…
On Your Visit to Connecticut
The Best of Connecticut can only be found by leaving the interstate and exploring the winding country roads.A few tips: Got a GPS? Good. It makes life that much sweeter. Stay in a small town, an hour from the coast, minumum. Nothing is too far to drive to, especially the beaches. The more you avoid…
About the Author
Writer Elizabeth Howard has survived life in Iowa, Kansas City, Walt Disney World, Colorado Springs, Long Island and, (most recently) London, to name a few stops on her journeys. A graduate of the Iowa State University journalism program and the University of Missouri at Kansas City English program, she combats perennial eduational self-esteem issues. A…