Tag: motherhood

Finding Wonder in the Small

#Reverb10, Day 4 Prompt: Wonder. How did you cultivate a sense of wonder in your life this year? (by author Jeff Davis @JeffreyDavis108) Wonder isn’t an experience: it is a spiritual geographical location, a destination I can choose to visit, or live in. It is exactly a “sense” — just like smell or sight. I…

Zen and the Art of Tedium

A conversation about boredom at Scoutie Girl yesterday got me thinking again about the daily tasks that constitute part of the  “work” of my life. Not the least of these is feeding a family of six. Not the worst of them is laundry. Some I despise for no particular reason, like emptying the dishwasher. Whenever…

Chick-Fil-A or Bust

A glorious email from FRANCES today made me feel more human than I have in a LONG time. Let’s just say that Frances, mired in motherhood, had a stressful last few days. So thusly she hired a babysitter and took herself on a seriously needed, two-part Me-Date: first to The Mall, where she partook of…