Here’s what’s spinning around, around so much I cant seem to keep myself still for a second to write one post per topic:
1. Ear infection, mine not theirs
2. Lonely, but too busy to feel it.
3. Harvest Festival coming. What am I doing?
4. School looming… Teach and mother at the same time.
5. I have “staff” now. Huh? What is that about?
6. Bikram yoga revisited. Empty head, sweat pouring down, and flying memories of Kansas City, unpinned.
7. What is loyalty? I am not sure it matters, as the season is showing us dashing away.
8. The air conditioner in their window is uttering a noise it shouldn’t. But the lawn is mowed.
9. Master Bedroom. Undone.
10. Betty under a bush.
11. Bonfire on the hottest night in August. MARSHMALLOWS for ALL!
12. Tick season passing, but the spiders seem happy here.
13. Is the dog depressed?
14. Twilight is gone now, as storytime ends.
15. Autumn, I hear you whispering.
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