Who Do You Love?

I admit it. I have a serious Life-Crush on Tara.

It’s Ok. I am sure she doesn’t mind. I mean, after all, her business is to make people want to feel that gorgeous feeling of love… not just for her, but for ourselves.

There are just those certain kinds of people in the world, aren’t there? The ones in our lives who make us feel lovely.

They walk into the room, and all the self-consciousness, all the questions about who we are or who we SHOULD be just disappear.

In fact, what I like best about People I Love is how perfectly “out” of myself I feel. I turn toward the love between us, which shines like a beautiful ever-changing star wherever we go together.

That’s why I tweet, actually. I love to pop over to Twitter, just to get a glimpse of what the lightmakers are mumbling about today. What zen light is AmyOscar up to? Tara, have you had your coffee and your revelation yet today? Will ImtheQ ever find happiness or the perfect taco? What small stones have Fiona and Kaspalita skipped today?

I walk the line between what is healthy injection of light in my day, and what is distraction. But in those moments when I’ve forgotten myself and feel wonderful, I know I’m doing OK.


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