Category: Angst


Stories that get mixed up, that feel out of place, that confuzzle the soul.


When You are Unmotivated Journey and Destination

I prefer to think of “Lack of Motivation” As a quirky town one visits Not unlike The North Pole or Reno, where brick streets Coo under your tires Where coffee cafes Serve decaf in recliners to Where snack waiters weave Through the Lazy Boys with Free samples everything with Cheese, the spreadable Kind with wine,…

What happens when things fall apart

When Things Fall Apart Quote Pema Chodron - To be fully alive, fully human, and completely awake is to be continually thrown out of the nest

“The middle way is wide open, but it is tough going…” Pema Chodron, When Things Fall Apart One of the loneliest feelings I’ve ever felt is feeling lost in the middle of heartache. That heartache has taken all kinds of shapes in my life. Right now it’s the shape of unresolved family issues. They continue…

The caress of divine details

Divine Details nabokov

Since I was diagnosed with depression decades ago (age 15), I have had some time to discover a few things that do help me. Some of those things are the usual sort of things: going for walks, taking medication, having a good support system, knowing that my diagnosis is a medical one — that I’m…

Hey Gals! Let’s Celebrate Our One Measly Day!

Why are we celebrating International Womens day March 8 again?

Happy International Women’s Day, Bitches! What are we celebrating this International Women’s Day? First, let’s check in with the boys… Raise your hand, fellas, if you — like Gov. Andrew Cuomo — should resign for sexual harassment. Anyone? Bueller? Interesting, considering at least one-third of women have experienced sexual harassment at work. And 81 percent…

If You Want Creativity at Work…

Creativity at work John Cleese guide book

You do have to have some peace and quiet One of the truths about creativity is that it takes time. But sometimes, when you work in a creative “workplace,” you find yourself having to be creative, but also under the gun of having to crank shit out. It helps to be good at what you…

Old Dogs Barking

Old Dogs Bark, Walking in London,

I remember you, you Lost soles, you distant loversForgotten from those daysSo long now in those Foreign lands. Everything we Predicted happened– weLost touch. We forgot what itFelt to be connected: first toEach other, and then Through each otherTo the pulsing, quaking potentialOf our shared mother, who isn’tDead yet, but merely laying in wait– Gentle…

What makes you a writer?

I am a writer, Quote: A writer, I think, is someone who pays attention to the world. Susan Sontag Quote - What makes you a writer

I am a writer because I write. I am a writer because I swallow the moonrise. I am a writer because I inhale language exhale poetry. I am a writer because I need to be. I am a writer because every time a person speaks I am thinking not about the words they speak but…

For All Women Present

For All Women Present Here's the Truth of Womanhood

What have I given away that I should I have kept for myself? This question is a trap for mothers everywhere. In fact, it’s the sort of question non-parents would ask a mother. And then — when she replies something like “myself?”– they respond with a sweet pat on the back. I’d like to remind…

What are you greedy about?

What are you greedy about

I don’t want to answer this. I started trying to write about Ben and Jerry’s or about these boxes of Swiss Cheese flavored crackers I used to gorge on when I was a teen. But it’s making me really uncomfortable. I can’t think of what reason– I can only feel it. So I’ll just try…

The Art of Not Beating Myself Up

So close but so far, pexels-henry-&-co-2886015-so close so far

It’s a fine balance — to Excuse oneself of one’s Daily failings while Simultaneously keeping Inherent laziness in check. Somewhere along the Spectrum between Perfectionism and total Sloth-dom, I rise to Today’s occasion of To dos. On the one hand I know I am Failing utterly at Living in the now As I continually Check…

An Ode to America 2020

Photo byOde To America 2020- Max Andrey from Pexels

EHoward · Cheers to the Oblivious   An Ode to America 2020 Cheers to The Oblivious and In Love with Ignorant Hope You know that you are American If you are alive And not that well, Living in the world in 2020. Reading one after another News article and yet Still holding out hope (In…

Some Babies are Rhinos

rhino Photo by Francesco Ungaro from Pexels

What is my fault? This is the question I wonder about often as I Let the Cymbalta slide down My throat. What am I to blame for? What can I lay to rest — what Outbursts and frenzies That erupted from me When my mind was Rubbed raw by discontentment And curdled in its own…

What Difference Do I Make?

There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. Maya Angelou quote Do I Make A difference

On the struggle with the existential meaning of writingOne of the toughest parts about being a writer/artist is doing the work. The nitty-gritty everyday work. The reason isn’t writer’s block or lack of time. There’s always time — everyday — for me to sit down and write. The reason — for me, and I am…

How to Stand the Truth

Truth quote by poet Adrienne Rich, The unconscoous wants truth. It ceases tp speak to those who want something else more than truth. Adrienne Rich

Before you can stand up for truth you have know if you can stand it at all.Let’s talk about an unscientific study I have been conducting all of my life. It has to do with truth-telling, and how much people really can’t stand the truth. By some fault or miracle of genetics and nurturing, I…