I’m Not Ready

Today’s post is part of the BIG QUESTION series for September. 

I’ve been writing this blog for a long time. And I am not ready to admit what I am doing is not working. I want something from this relationship and it is just not working.

We all want to hang on to things that just don’t work for us. But as I’m been realizing slowly over the last year, especially while reading a lot of Tara Gentile:

I can’t see what I’m doing.

If my hypothesis is formulated, then my product doesn’t match it.

I am impatient. I see the end of the tunnel and think “I’ve arrived! AHHHHH! Now I can relax” and so let go of the steering wheel. While the winding road goes on and on.

My language is harsh, and I am too critical. Of others, which reflects on myself.

In this dark bag, how could I possibly see what all the non-subscribers and non-readers see:

What I offer here isn’t working for them. And I can’t afford to just be personal anymore.

I am not sure I have the answer to this. But I am sure I am tired of treading water.

My hypothesis, however, has not changed: Readers desire beautiful writing.