Category: Life in America

Meticulosity… OR, How to Succeed in Everything

I’m driven mad by the meticulous. That doesn’t make me admire them any less, however, or realize that they, in the end, will always succeed. Case in point, the magnificent stone-man, Lew French. One rock at a time, he creates magnificent walls, fireplaces, cottages. One wall, in a home on Martha’s Vineyard, took him a…


When You are Unmotivated Journey and Destination

I prefer to think of “Lack of Motivation” As a quirky town one visits Not unlike The North Pole or Reno, where brick streets Coo under your tires Where coffee cafes Serve decaf in recliners to Where snack waiters weave Through the Lazy Boys with Free samples everything with Cheese, the spreadable Kind with wine,…

She is limitless

She is limitless Pleasant Pond the county Maine

“Never limit yourself because of others’ limited imagination; never limit others because of your own limited imagination.” – Mae Jamison She is as simple as daybreak. I don’t think she’s ever had a new pair of glasses — not least the frames — in the 13 years I’ve known her. She commutes to work in…

Hey Gals! Let’s Celebrate Our One Measly Day!

Why are we celebrating International Womens day March 8 again?

Happy International Women’s Day, Bitches! What are we celebrating this International Women’s Day? First, let’s check in with the boys… Raise your hand, fellas, if you — like Gov. Andrew Cuomo — should resign for sexual harassment. Anyone? Bueller? Interesting, considering at least one-third of women have experienced sexual harassment at work. And 81 percent…

Love all the People

love as the practice of freedom bell hooks

Kids. Boy we sure do love ’em. Even people who don’t actually like kids I bet would be pretty quick to acknowledge that kids — although sometimes a pain — are love machines. They make it. They reflect it. They live it. They embody it. They are our teachers in it. So we love the…

Old Dogs Barking

Old Dogs Bark, Walking in London,

I remember you, you Lost soles, you distant loversForgotten from those daysSo long now in those Foreign lands. Everything we Predicted happened– weLost touch. We forgot what itFelt to be connected: first toEach other, and then Through each otherTo the pulsing, quaking potentialOf our shared mother, who isn’tDead yet, but merely laying in wait– Gentle…

How to Live with Purpose

How to live with purpose, when you find your true calling, focus and work and passion

Measuring the distance between living, giving, and making meaning It is the soul and curse of the Enneagram 8 to not only know how to live with purpose, but to be unable to avoid it. Having done all I can to resist this label, I have eventually just given in — I have a calling…

What are you greedy about?

What are you greedy about

I don’t want to answer this. I started trying to write about Ben and Jerry’s or about these boxes of Swiss Cheese flavored crackers I used to gorge on when I was a teen. But it’s making me really uncomfortable. I can’t think of what reason– I can only feel it. So I’ll just try…

An Ode to America 2020

Photo byOde To America 2020- Max Andrey from Pexels

EHoward · Cheers to the Oblivious   An Ode to America 2020 Cheers to The Oblivious and In Love with Ignorant Hope You know that you are American If you are alive And not that well, Living in the world in 2020. Reading one after another News article and yet Still holding out hope (In…

50 Things That Make Me Feel Normal

When things are out of whack, it’s a good time to make a list of the everyday ordinary things that set you on the path to average again.I had a few of those days when I felt a little bit out of kilter. When I was driving from yoga on Saturday, I started making this…

How to Stand the Truth

Truth quote by poet Adrienne Rich, The unconscoous wants truth. It ceases tp speak to those who want something else more than truth. Adrienne Rich

Before you can stand up for truth you have know if you can stand it at all.Let’s talk about an unscientific study I have been conducting all of my life. It has to do with truth-telling, and how much people really can’t stand the truth. By some fault or miracle of genetics and nurturing, I…

One Good Word for 2020: Cry

The Word for 2020 might be cry

For Karen, The Harbinger But baby I’ve been here before, I’ve seen this room and I’ve walked this floor You know, I used to live alone before I knew ya And I’ve seen your flag on the Marble Arch And love is not a victory march It’s a cold and it’s a broken Hallelujah Here…

Yes. You Can Definitely Stop By

Nick Pekar

In my dream last night, I was at home with the kids (naturally not at any house I’ve ever lived in or recognize!), when a thing I love happened. People started just stopping by. The first person to come by was a few neighbors. They just came on in. Turns out that one of them…