I’ve been on an emotional roller coaster lately. Like many people (read: everyone) I know, I eat to feel “better.” Lately, the go-to food of choice for easing emotional bumps is the Cinnamon Crunch Bagel from Panera. — I accidentally remembered that Panera existed recently when I started going to the gym the next town…
Category: People are people
My philosophies of people and their people-ness.
The First Recipe
A BIG QUESTION Guest Post by Krista Richards Mann — I love cooking. Starting in grade school, my mother let me make dinner for the family once a week. The first recipe I remember learning was something she called salmon patties. We removed small vertebras from a can of salmon with our fingers, mixed the…
Everyone Love Everyone
— Part of the December “If Only in My Dreams” series. Thanks.
On Nostalgia: Wanting What We Already Had
No matter where we fly, we are never free of memory.
We Want to Be Heard
So, then we shout or drink and then shout. Because want to be heard. We are pilgrims in a wild frontier, uncertain of the path into the forest of tomorrow.
We Want… Beauty
Nightclub by Billy Collins You are so beautiful and I am a fool to be in love with you is a theme that keeps coming up in songs and poems. There seems to be no room for variation. I have never heard anyone sing I am so beautiful and you are a fool to be…
A friend, her Emmy nom, and the afterlife
I’ve discovered that my friend Colleen Bradford Krantz and her colleague, Paul Kakert (who is from my hometown!) have had their documentary film, Train to Nowhere, nominated for a regional Emmy. I’m so proud of them, but not really for the recognition from the awards people. More than that, I am proud of Colleen and…
New Week, New World
It’s 4:30 a.m. of course again. It’s a good time to think about things. In particular, how to change the world this week. As for me, I am thinking about how frustrated I get with other people: you know, I just can’t control them! Why won’t they follow my mind control??! I end up doing…
That Face, Listening
Eyes fixed on mine, Nearly. Chin cupped into Palm. Furrowed brow, “Huh.” Call and response. You listen. You don’t agree. Day 12, July A River of Stones
I Brought a Loofa
Private talkBetween campground showers“You need soap, Karen?”“I caught it!” “I brought a loofa.”Two women sighingOver water pleasure andFriends. Day 10, A River of Stones
A Small Stone Late
I agreed with myself that I would write a small stone for Fiona and Kaspa on their wedding day, which was June 18. What with the whirlwhind of (fill in list of excuses here), the entire weekend disappeared somewhere. I didn’t realize that I’d even forgotten until today, driving, I heard Mary Chapin Carpenter singing “Late For…
Who Do You Love?
I admit it. I have a serious Life-Crush on Tara. It’s Ok. I am sure she doesn’t mind. I mean, after all, her business is to make people want to feel that gorgeous feeling of love… not just for her, but for ourselves. There are just those certain kinds of people in the world, aren’t…
A Friend of Mine
Out of the blue, I got a call/voice mail from T. Mallie the other day. It was one of those lovely long rambling messages in which she updated me on her job status and her life and her hairstyle and the general feelings of things on the Other Coast. Last time I laid eyes on…
More Bon-Bons Please.
Fine, Matt. This is posted because you told me to. I am about to tell you something really gross that’s going to make you puke, so get the bucket. I don’t have to work at all if I don’t want to. (Go ahead. Heave away. I’ll wait while you blow your nose.) Back? Feeling better?…
You’re Not Sick. Go to School.
Or, A Tribute to My Bossy Mom My sibs and I basically had to be projectile puking or have an arm falling off in order to stay home from school when we were kids. Mom’s philosophy on life? Get on with it. Impatient and ready-to-go NOW, Mom was at the heel, pumping us with her…