Category: Life in America

One Eye Twitch away From Madness

My eye has decided to start twitching. It isn’t much .. just a little thing that I hardly should notice– except it us driving me up a duxkog wall. It is the sleep deprivation version of Chinese water torture..: nothing much to complain about but just enough to take me slowly over the edge. There…

I never really liked fight club

For some reason, people went bananas over Fight Club. I never thought It was all that great. I am open to influence and convincing of course but to me it was exactly what a good film shouldn’t be– a great idea, tied up in a perfect 107 minute bow. The Sixth Sense and other films…

The End of the Day

By the end of the day, I don’t recognize myself. I feel infected, some viral version of myself that is spreading now slowly in the crawling last seconds of daylight. I don’t recognize myself and I find myself giving in, the way the sun must feel when night is pulling down on it like gravity.…

The Sound of Hula Hoops…

… sounds like love and sounds like a long time and sounds like the pause button sticking. It sounds like fear of a day never ending. All the tiny beads falling sound like my inabilities laughing at me. It sounds like all the projects gone wrong, and all the imagined friends wandering away. It sounds…

No Apologies

The admin in the English Department thinks I am too hard on my students, I can tell by the look on her face. I posted a note on mailbox that it is “Closed for portfolio submissions.” This implies, of course, that I haven’t received all of them, and that some of the students (the ones…

Making Snickerdoodles

We volunteered to make snacks for our friend’s free concert and I enlisted the very enthusiastic help of three eager assistants. I love to bake– pretty much in inverse proportion to how much I do not like cooking. I think it has something to do with the outcome. I see food on the table as…

My American Dream…

… has nothing to do with $$$, and never has, although travel always requires work, which requires money in exchange for goods and services. … spent 3 years in London, and very much likes the Idea of British. … is sometimes melancholy, and loves thick lyrics that make me want to sing along. … eats…

Bye-Bye Fit!

Or, The Saddest Day Thus Far Colin just drove away with our Honda Fit. Honestly, I had NO idea how attached I’d gotten to that car. I truly felt like crying. It was cute, and peppy, with five on the floor, and the most no-frills, no-nonsense style of any car I’d ever met. Yes, it…

Stories Told

Why I Love The Moth When I was about seven or eight years old, I got fixated on the idea of creating a neighborhood newspaper. I would gather stories, write them, publish them using my parent’s typewriter, and deliver them to my neighbors’ mailboxes. So I did. I went around interviewing my family, and Mr.…

Taking Care of Scraped Knees

Or, The Case of My Dad and Neosporin I’d like to say, for the record, that I always thought it was weird that Neosporin had the word “spore” in the middle of it. That might have been, partly, why I always liked it. I also know that I liked it because my Dad was totally…

Garrison Keillor’s Voice

“You can’t imagine how much a dead man weighs.” – What the grandfather of Gabriel Garcia Marquez often told him. Quoted from “A Writer’s Almanac”, March 6, 2009. I’ve gotten quite taken with the sound of Garrison Keillor’s voice on my Honda Fit speakers. His Lake Wobegone days are too sentimental for me most of…

It’s No Secret…

… that Colin and I are NOT YET with children. I mean, you can look everywhere around our house for kids and all you will find is one very strange cat who will not, for any reason, allow you to pick her up. The curious thing about being married in the suburbs in Connecticut and…

Spring, in Wings

By this time of year in London, I’d be stir crazy and ready for the end of winter’s short grey days. One big difference between Connecticut and London, in winter most especially, is LATITUDE. Stratford is on the 41 degree parallel and London is at 51 degrees. In terms of quantity of sunlight, that makes…

Host Hugh Jackman Wins Me Over

…And Other Highlights of Oscars 2009 The reviews of those “dastardly-long” and “always self-serving” Academy Awards shows are here, and as usual the preeminently cranky Alessandra Stanley from the New York Times managed to pass on the her “kind of fun” review. Sigh… I continue to wonder why someone with no joie de vivre is…

A Glutton for Facebook-ishment

In the latest round of Facebook madness, I am starting to come to terms with my own problem with these waves of social networking sites. I’m investing quite a bit of time there and I am wondering if that time might be better invested typing on the Royal Futura and riding my bike. Background: I…