This will be the Year Without Jack-o-Lanterns. For religious reasons (not our own), Colin and I will be taking a hiatus from Halloween this year. “If [we] believe fully in the omnipotence of God, then concern about witches, ghosts and goblins, and things that go bump in the night, is misplaced. It is God alone…
Category: Family
A Dog in the House
As the result of a good friend transferring overseas indefinitely, we are now the proud–if temporary– parents of a beautiful and wonderful dog named Kiyomi. If you are wondering what “Kiyomi” means, well, I am sure I asked her owner once, but had long-forgotten, so I had to Google it to find out. A Japanese…
Your Government, Your Lemon
I overheard my brother-in-law refer to our current President as a “c*cksucker” during a recent stay at my parent’s house. This sparked a political dance/conversation on Facebook between myself and an old friend from high school. The curious bit about this conversation is that I haven’t seen this women since high school. I have no…
One Eye Twitch away From Madness
My eye has decided to start twitching. It isn’t much .. just a little thing that I hardly should notice– except it us driving me up a duxkog wall. It is the sleep deprivation version of Chinese water torture..: nothing much to complain about but just enough to take me slowly over the edge. There…
The End of the Day
By the end of the day, I don’t recognize myself. I feel infected, some viral version of myself that is spreading now slowly in the crawling last seconds of daylight. I don’t recognize myself and I find myself giving in, the way the sun must feel when night is pulling down on it like gravity.…
The Sound of Hula Hoops…
… sounds like love and sounds like a long time and sounds like the pause button sticking. It sounds like fear of a day never ending. All the tiny beads falling sound like my inabilities laughing at me. It sounds like all the projects gone wrong, and all the imagined friends wandering away. It sounds…
Making Snickerdoodles
We volunteered to make snacks for our friend’s free concert and I enlisted the very enthusiastic help of three eager assistants. I love to bake– pretty much in inverse proportion to how much I do not like cooking. I think it has something to do with the outcome. I see food on the table as…
My American Dream…
… has nothing to do with $$$, and never has, although travel always requires work, which requires money in exchange for goods and services. … spent 3 years in London, and very much likes the Idea of British. … is sometimes melancholy, and loves thick lyrics that make me want to sing along. … eats…
Dinner’s Ready!
I had a revelation whilst reading a recipe suggestion from my friend Jeannie today. Midwestern recipes seem to always involve spraying a pan with Pam and sprinkling Durkee Fried Onions. We’ve been revamping our eating as you might guess to make things a bit more family friendly. Suggestions for dinners have been very “bake and…
Bye-Bye Fit!
Or, The Saddest Day Thus Far Colin just drove away with our Honda Fit. Honestly, I had NO idea how attached I’d gotten to that car. I truly felt like crying. It was cute, and peppy, with five on the floor, and the most no-frills, no-nonsense style of any car I’d ever met. Yes, it…
Taking Care of Scraped Knees
Or, The Case of My Dad and Neosporin I’d like to say, for the record, that I always thought it was weird that Neosporin had the word “spore” in the middle of it. That might have been, partly, why I always liked it. I also know that I liked it because my Dad was totally…
It’s No Secret…
… that Colin and I are NOT YET with children. I mean, you can look everywhere around our house for kids and all you will find is one very strange cat who will not, for any reason, allow you to pick her up. The curious thing about being married in the suburbs in Connecticut and…
How You Know I’m HOT!
Or, Being Married to an I.T. Guy is the New Black I went to a marvelous dinner last evening to celebrate the greatness of a few brilliant people, my husband included. Here’s one major conclusion I came to: I.T. guys are the new IT men. Metrosexuals are OUT. Nerd is IN. I am not just…
But No One Got Me a Snuggie
My 39th Birthday, Condensed As most of you know by now, I LOVE birthday month. I am having a great birthday this year. Here are some of the highlights! My parents called me at 6 a.m. and sang “happy birthday” in unison. They also (I am sure this wasn’t planned) both said “Happy birthday dear…
What I Learned from … Love(ish-ness)
My pal Robert at Middle Zone Musings has got me pondering my own view of Love. I don’t really think I can make a good assessment just off the cuff, so I’ve decided to revisit my own archives, to see what I think, and present my findings in easy-to-read, oh-so-romantic, bullet points. What I Learned…