As the result of a good friend transferring overseas indefinitely, we are now the proud–if temporary– parents of a beautiful and wonderful dog named Kiyomi. If you are wondering what “Kiyomi” means, well, I am sure I asked her owner once, but had long-forgotten, so I had to Google it to find out. A Japanese…
Category: Ponderings
On thoughts, and the thinking behind them
A Brutal, Careless Thief
There are planned activities and there is structure and routine. There are things to entertain and items to educate. There are chores for me and for him and for us. And there is the emptiness of an afternoon, the dreaded sameness of a day, like today and any other day. There are the people who…
The Sound of Hula Hoops…
… sounds like love and sounds like a long time and sounds like the pause button sticking. It sounds like fear of a day never ending. All the tiny beads falling sound like my inabilities laughing at me. It sounds like all the projects gone wrong, and all the imagined friends wandering away. It sounds…
No Apologies
The admin in the English Department thinks I am too hard on my students, I can tell by the look on her face. I posted a note on mailbox that it is “Closed for portfolio submissions.” This implies, of course, that I haven’t received all of them, and that some of the students (the ones…
My American Dream…
… has nothing to do with $$$, and never has, although travel always requires work, which requires money in exchange for goods and services. … spent 3 years in London, and very much likes the Idea of British. … is sometimes melancholy, and loves thick lyrics that make me want to sing along. … eats…
Garrison Keillor’s Voice
“You can’t imagine how much a dead man weighs.” – What the grandfather of Gabriel Garcia Marquez often told him. Quoted from “A Writer’s Almanac”, March 6, 2009. I’ve gotten quite taken with the sound of Garrison Keillor’s voice on my Honda Fit speakers. His Lake Wobegone days are too sentimental for me most of…
It’s No Secret…
… that Colin and I are NOT YET with children. I mean, you can look everywhere around our house for kids and all you will find is one very strange cat who will not, for any reason, allow you to pick her up. The curious thing about being married in the suburbs in Connecticut and…
Spring, in Wings
By this time of year in London, I’d be stir crazy and ready for the end of winter’s short grey days. One big difference between Connecticut and London, in winter most especially, is LATITUDE. Stratford is on the 41 degree parallel and London is at 51 degrees. In terms of quantity of sunlight, that makes…
How You Know I’m HOT!
Or, Being Married to an I.T. Guy is the New Black I went to a marvelous dinner last evening to celebrate the greatness of a few brilliant people, my husband included. Here’s one major conclusion I came to: I.T. guys are the new IT men. Metrosexuals are OUT. Nerd is IN. I am not just…
A Glutton for Facebook-ishment
In the latest round of Facebook madness, I am starting to come to terms with my own problem with these waves of social networking sites. I’m investing quite a bit of time there and I am wondering if that time might be better invested typing on the Royal Futura and riding my bike. Background: I…
What I Learned from … Love(ish-ness)
My pal Robert at Middle Zone Musings has got me pondering my own view of Love. I don’t really think I can make a good assessment just off the cuff, so I’ve decided to revisit my own archives, to see what I think, and present my findings in easy-to-read, oh-so-romantic, bullet points. What I Learned…
Planning Oscar
Well, it is that time of year again. The Nominations are out and I have, as of this moment, 23 days to get two big things done. 1. Come up with a quirky theme/invite for the annual Oscar party. 2. See about 9,000 films in an effort to, this year, FINALLY, win my own ballot…
If you are looking for me, I am living in hungryland, drinking lemon-syrup and wondering how I missed all these commercials for popcorn, pizza, Progresso soup, Olive Garden, cheese cubes, salad, candy bars etc etc, before. My head is light and airy, and I am obsessed. The answer is The Master Cleanse… I should feel…
Three Questions for the New Year: Part Last!
So we made it through some pretty brainy landscapes this week in the pursuit of pondering the end of 2008, and the dawn of HOPE, 2009. To be sure you aren’t taxed too much, I leave you to think about this simple yet all-important issue, one that often doesn’t get near enough attention in the…
Three Questions for the New Year: Part One
I am curious about a few things, most especially considering the monumentally bizarre and historical year that we have just left behind us. So in the quest for deeper conversation, more direct and useful contact with my brilliant readers (that’s you!), and topics of future rants, I have Three Questions for the New Year that…